Friday, 8 July 2011

Day 35: Nambucca Heads to Scotts Head

Once again it has been too long between drinks, so to speak, but now that I've arrived in Port Macquarie I have the pleasure of bringing you up to date on Gulliver's travels.

Nambucca River

On a cold, grey morning I left the warmth of my motel room and started out on the next phase of the journey. With no foreseeable way of getting myself through the maze of sand bars and islands that make up the Nambucca River, I called the aid of Nambucca Marine Rescue to "chaufffuer" me across to south beach. A sincere thanks to Ron and the team who gave up their Sunday morning to help me out!

The guys from Nambucca Marine Rescue.

As I expected south beach greeted me with rain. Suddenly I found myself singing Pink Floyd's Goodbye Blue Sky. An appropriate rendition given yesterday's fine weather. Apart from two old blokes chasing Taylor off the beach I didn't see another soul for the remainder of the day. As I neared Scotts Head my gaze rose from the sand and I captured one of those great little moments in time, a clearing sky and rainbow forming over my destination.

Rainbow over Scotts Head

At the end of the J shaped beach several headlands emerge along with the little town of Scotts Head. Off the point of the northern most headland I discovered dozens of surfers making the most of the ideal break. Kids as young as 13 were mixing it with the best while the old guys showed the rest glimpses of their talents in days gone by. With so many headlands it didn't really matter on which one I stood an amazing view was ever present.

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